Zscaler and New York University Teach Cloud Security Expertise to Cybersecurity Master’s Students
Partnership with Tandon School of Engineering Giving Students Hands-on Experience in SASE and Zero Trust through Zscaler Certifications
San Jose, California, September, 16, 2020
Zscaler, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZS), the leader in cloud security, today announced a new partnership with New York University Tandon School of Engineering and their prestigious Master of Science in Cybersecurity Risk and Strategy. The partnership will allow Master’s candidates to gain practical, first-hand knowledge of secure access service edge (SASE) and zero trust best practices using the Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange through courses that teach Zscaler Internet Access (ZIA) and Zscaler Private Access (ZPA).
Gartner predicted there would be a global shortage of two million cybersecurity professionals by the end of 2019 and that the COVID-19 pandemic has further escalated the problem. NYU is leading the way to equip students for the real world of cybersecurity by offering progressive curriculum that covers cybersecurity strategies in addition to hands-on application of innovative technology that is widely adopted, like ZIA and ZPA.
“When NYU Cyber Fellows earn an NYU Cybersecurity Industry Partner badge, they gain real-world industry experience as they work on their master’s degree. We teach innovative technologies like Zscaler so our candidates can further their careers and have excellent job opportunities as they graduate,” said Professor Aspen Olmsted, Adjunct Faculty Member of NYU Tandon’s Cybersecurity Program.
“There is no better time than now to learn new skill sets and discover a new career. NYU’s online program is an incredible opportunity to find jobs in the cybersecurity industry because the need for skilled professionals has never been greater,” said Amit Sinha, President and Chief Technology Officer of Zscaler. “Attacks proliferate, threat landscapes extend further, and legacy security solutions cannot scale to keep up. Modern enterprises need security experts who can both protect the enterprise and meet business objectives. Zscaler is proud to collaborate with Tandon to produce the next generation of cybersecurity leaders.”
For over 30 years, enterprises have relied on traditional perimeter-based methods to connect employees to the corporate network, and by extension the applications running on it. However, as employees become less tethered to their desks and applications move out from the data center and to the cloud, securing that traditional perimeter is no longer tenable. Security must follow the user, the applications they need to access and the data. This is the world Zscaler was founded to secure. Since the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Zscaler security research team ThreatLabZ has detected dramatic spikes in cyber threat attacks and blocked more than 14 billion threats against Zscaler customers (January-July 2020).
The Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange is the largest cloud security platform in the world, processing more than 120 billion transactions daily and detecting about 100 million threats per day from users across 185 countries. Zscaler serves more than 4,500 customers across all major industries and including over 450 of the Forbes Global 2000. ZIA is a cloud security service that transforms networks by delivering cloud-based internet and web security that scales to all users, regardless of location. ZPA delivers on Zero Trust Network Access by securing access to private applications without those applications or users ever connecting to the network.
The NYU Cyber Fellows program offers scholarships that result in one of the lowest-cost online master’s degrees in the country and develops highly skilled technical graduates ready to step into the growing cybersecurity gap. One of the most important elements of the NYU Cyber Fellows program is the collaboration with influential employers to ensure students get the precise cybersecurity education they need. To learn more about the partnership please visit the NYU Cyber Fellows’ web page.
ニューヨーク大学(NYU)タンドン工学部の始まりは、ニューヨーク大学土木建築学部とブルックリン工科大学(通称Brooklyn Poly)の両校が設立された1854年にさかのぼります。2014年1月、両校が合併して生まれたのがニューヨーク大学タンドン工学部です。工学と応用科学を扱う総合的な教育研究機関として、発明と起業家精神の伝統に根ざし、社会に役立つ技術の発展に貢献しています。NYUは全米有数の私立研究大学の1つであり、ブルックリンに主要キャンパスを構えるタンドン工学部は、NYUアブ ダビ校およびNYU上海校とエンジニアリング プログラムを通じて密接に連携するなど、NYUの他の組織とも活動を共にしています。ニューヨークの中心であるマンハッタンとブルックリンのスタートアップ企業を支援するプログラム「Future Labs」や受賞歴のあるオンライン大学院プログラムなどの運営も行っています。詳細はhttp://engineering.nyu.eduでご確認ください。
ゼットスケーラー(NASDAQ: ZS)は、より効率的で、俊敏性や回復性に優れたセキュアなデジタル トランスフォーメーションを加速しています。Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange™プラットフォームは、ユーザー、デバイス、アプリケーションをどこからでも安全に接続させることで、数多くのお客様をサイバー攻撃や情報漏洩から保護しています。世界150拠点以上のデータ センターに分散されたSSEベースのZero Trust Exchange™は、世界最大のインライン型クラウド セキュリティ プラットフォームです。
Natalia Wodecki、グローバル統合コミュニケーション&PR担当シニア ディレクター、[email protected]