

Zscaler Life

WIZE Woman of Impact - Isha Gupta

September 15, 2023 - 2 分で読了


Member Spotlight: Isha Gupta

Isha Gupta 

Regional Sales Manager, Enterprise


Q: Tell us about the importance of connecting to your sense of purpose - what inspires you? 

A: I find purpose in being authentic and going for whatever my goals are. The impact that I create with people by helping them personally and professionally inspires me. I firmly believe you can be a leader in any role, you don’t need the title to practice leadership.


Q: What's the one experience that helped you grow the most? 

A: Earlier in my career I went through some difficulties where I was at a crossroads. I was told at a Tech MNC that I could have an SDR role or go home. I firmly believed I was worthy of an Account Manager role and I held my ground. Three months later, not only did I get the role, I finished that year with a quota achievement of over 226% and kickstarted my career in tech sales.


Q: If you could go back in time, what would you tell your younger self?

A: It all works out, just have more faith in yourself.


Q: What is one piece of advice you have for others to help build and strengthen an inclusive culture?

A: Find the quietest person in the room and get their opinion on matters, you’d be surprised to how often the quietest people often have the most creative ideas. We need to encourage ’speaking up’ and this is how we can give voice to diversity and inclusivity.


Q: What about your work at Zscaler gets you excited to wake up every day? 

A: Zscaler encourages independence of thought, which makes me feel like the opportunities are limitless here. I am truly excited each day to discover something new I can do today and where it might take me.


Q: What is a quote you live by?

A: This quote by Steve Jobs is my favorite and I truly live by it “You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.”

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