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Products & Solutions

Saving Money with Zero Trust Part 1: Cutting Infrastructure and Hardware Costs

July 07, 2023 - 2 Min. de leitura

The last few years have been highly challenging for organizations’ finances. Lockdowns from the global pandemic, supply chain issues, rising inflation, and a smorgasbord of other problems have bred significant economic uncertainty and created a scramble to prepare for a recession. As a result, organizations everywhere are looking to save money in any way they can. 

This blog series explores how companies can save money on networking and security by embracing a zero trust architecture powered by Zscaler. Each blog will include a video explaining one of the financial benefits of zero trust. As we will discuss throughout the posts in the coming weeks, clinging to the status quo of old-school architectures inevitably wastes resources, meaning that change is critically important for any organization looking to shore up its finances (and reduce risk at the same time). 

This first installment in this blog series looks at:

The technology costs of perimeter-based architectures

Yesterday’s perimeter-based architectures (think hub-and-spoke networks and castle-and-moat security models) revolved around the data center. It was there that apps were hosted, connectivity was enabled, and security was enforced. Building these data centers involved massive investments in costly infrastructure and hardware appliances for networking and security purposes. And as companies grew, established branch offices, enabled remote work, adopted cloud apps, and faced new cyberthreats and security needs, it meant even more of these and other technology costs. 

Zero trust architecture

Zero trust is a fundamentally different architecture that allows organizations to minimize their dependence on costly, complex data centers. Organizations embracing zero trust can simplify their infrastructure, eliminate the majority of their appliances, and minimize their bandwidth costs—watch the video below to learn how.

Now that you know how Zscaler can help with optimizing these technology costs, download our ebook to see real-world examples of customers that are saving money with the Zero Trust Exchange. Otherwise, be sure to listen to our recent webinar that details the ways that Zscaler helps countless organizations around the globe to weather economic uncertainty. 

Stay tuned for the next installment in this blog series, which will focus on decreasing operational complexity for admins with zero trust. 

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