Anunciando o Zenny Awards 2025! Indique a si mesmo ou a um colega para os nossos primeiros prêmios para clientes, de agora até 3 de abril de 2025.

Histórias dos nossos clientes


Replacing VPNs with zero trust secures and elevates the user experience, eliminating latency and speeding issue resolution.


Enabling cloud-first transformation, improving SOC effectiveness, and reducing business risk

Seattle Children's

Ensuring exceptional healthcare delivery with a secure zero trust environment


Adopting generative AI platforms while improving security, enhancing experiences, and maintaining compliance


Switching from legacy VPN to zero trust builds a stronger defense while creating seamless connectivity for global users

Kern CCD

Replacing legacy remote access solutions enables precise app segmentation, limits lateral movement of threats

A Zscaler protege usuários e cargas de trabalho em todo o mundo

Mais de 7.700

clientes em todo o mundo


de empresas da Global 2000


Net Promoter Score (o NPS médio de SaaS é 30)

Confira os benefícios reais que os clientes estão obtendo com o poder da Zscaler, em suas próprias palavras.

Stephen Harrison

We hit zero trust segmentation across our workforce in record time, and the day-to-day maintenance of the solution with data loss protection with insights into our applications. These were really quick and easy wins from our perspective.

Stephen Harrison, CISO, MGM Resorts International
Nitin Negi

The fantastic thing about Zscaler is that it provides everything we need in a zero trust platform: scalable SSL traffic inspection, other threat prevention functionalities, and data protection.

Nitin Negi, Senior Manager for Cybersecurity Engineering and Operations, Micron Technology
David Mallen

Zscaler powers a unified, global security infrastructure. With Zscaler, no matter where in the world we operate, we are all speaking the same language when it comes to zero trust security.

David Mallen, Global IT Network Operations Manager, Amplifon
Kier Morrison Headshot

At John Holland, we’re focused on protecting our data and our customers’ data. Our environment is significantly more secure because of Zscaler. We now have a fully matured, best-in-class cyber resiliency program.

Kier Morrison, General Manager, IT Technology Operations, John Holland
Steffen Erler

With our overall protection from all types of threats up nearly 90%, we can’t wait to see what Zscaler has in store for us next.

Steffen Erler, Director, IT Security and Network Services, Baker & Baker

01 / 05

Zscaler | Programa de defesa do cliente Cloud Collective

Sua história de sucesso, protegida.

Alcance novos patamares com o Cloud Collective

Participe do nosso programa de defesa do cliente para elevar sua carreira ao próximo nível. Compartilhe a sua experiência com a Zscaler, amplie sua rede e demonstre liderança de ideias com outros especialistas do setor.