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Zscaler is showcasing Zero Trust + AI at the 2024 AWS Summit events across Europe

April 09, 2024 - 3 Min. de leitura

In today’s dynamic digital landscape, organizations are rapidly adopting artificial intelligence (AI) and Generative AI (GenAI) tools to increase productivity, gain new insights, and obtain a competitive advantage. The newly released Zscaler ThreatLabz 2024 AI Security Report sheds light on key trends, risks, and best practices in enterprise AI adoption, along with insights into AI-driven threats and key strategies to defend against them. Analyzing over 18 billion transactions from April 2023 to January 2024 across the Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange cloud security platform, some of the key findings are:

  • Enterprise use of AI/ML tools has skyrocketed by nearly 600%
  • 569 terabytes of enterprise data exchanged with AI tools
  • ChatGPT usage has increased by 634%, even though it is also the most-blocked AI application by enterprise organizations
  • AI is empowering threat actors in unprecedented ways

This is not just a numerical phenomenon but represents a profound shift in the way organizations across industries and geographies are embracing AI technologies. However, with terabytes of data sent to various AI tools, the need for effective data protection measures is a top priority. Not only driven by the need to classify and protect sensitive data to prevent it from leaving the organization by mistake, but also to prevent data exfiltration caused by bad actors, malware, and new AI-powered threats. Never has the demand for robust cybersecurity been more important.

Zscaler Leadership and Advantage: In AI, Data Wins 

Enabling more secure use of AI and GenAI tools in organizations and using AI to provide a stronger security posture are two crucial aspects in the modern landscape. An AWS Advanced Technology Partner, Zscaler has been a leader in zero trust for over a decade. 

As organizations wage the battle against cyberattacks, they must deploy robust defense systems, including zero trust architectures that utilize AI to effectively combat evolving threats, while keeping users productive. The best AI is powered by the best data, and that is what makes Zscaler stand out. Operating the world's largest security cloud and processing over 400 billion transactions daily, Zscaler ensures access to the most relevant cyber threat data. Prioritizing three key elements for effective enterprise AI – vast datasets exceeding 500 trillion daily signals, deep domain expertise, and a skilled team of data scientists, Zscaler leverages complete logs, full URL and anonymized data to train their LLMs. This approach ensures rich data for AI training, unlike DNS and firewall logs, which often lack detail or are blind to encrypted traffic. As a result, Zscaler continually improves its AI models with high-volume, high-quality data, empowering IT and security teams with valuable insights and solutions.

Come and visit us at the 2024 AWS Summit events

As apps move to the cloud, cyberattacks become more sophisticated, and users work from anywhere, using any device, perimeter security using VPNs and firewalls provide incomplete, inconsistent security and a poor user experience. With the Zero Trust Exchange powered by AI, Zscaler provides comprehensive visibility, control, and security for all cloud based applications within a unified platform. 

At the 2024 AWS Summit events, you can discover how Zscaler empowers organizations to:

  • Improve security posture with zero trust
  • Reduce attack surface and prevent lateral threats
  • Accelerate migration of on-prem apps to AWS
  • Enjoy fast, direct access to private apps and workloads
  • Deploy AI-powered security for sensitive data, workloads, and GenAI data
  • And more

Visit us at the 2024 AWS Summit events, which include EMEA stops at:

  • Amsterdam on April 9
  • London on April 24
  • Berlin on May 15-16
  • Milan on May 23
  • Stockholm on June 4
  • Madrid on June 5

The 2024 AWS Summits are free events that bring the cloud computing community together to connect, collaborate, and learn about AWS. Stop by our booth to learn more about Zscaler solutions for AWS and how to safely embrace GenAI tools, while leveraging AI for an improved security posture.

To learn more about the 2024 EMEA AWS Summit events and to register, click here

And to learn more about Zscaler solutions for AWS visit our website.

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