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An inspiring keynote by Scott Guthrie about cloud transformation

juillet 16, 2018 - 2 Min de lecture

If you haven’t had an opportunity to hear Scott Guthrie, EVP of Microsoft, talk about digital transformation, I encourage you to watch the video of his presentation on June 26, 2018, at Zenith Live.

In his role leading the Cloud and Enterprise Group at Microsoft, Scott has been focused on helping customers drive their businesses forward by taking advantage of cloud speed and flexibility. Microsoft has been incredibly successful; today its cloud services are used by 90 percent of the Fortune 500 companies. But before any of this could happen, Microsoft had to transform. The world’s largest software company had to re-imagine its own product lines for a cloud world. Many of the CXOs attending Zenith Live found Scott’s account of what Microsoft has done and is now enabling for organizations worldwide truly compelling.

Enterprise CIOs, CTOs, and CISOs are excited about the growing partnership between Microsoft and Zscaler. In Scott’s keynote, he discussed the deep integration of Zscaler and Microsoft cloud services, which has encompassed Azure and Office 365, and now includes Microsoft Cloud Application Security and the Microsoft Enterprise Mobility Suite. In the video, you can see demos of these latest integrations. Thanks to Yousef Khalidi, Corporate VP, Microsoft Azure Networking; Bharat Shah, VP, Security; Brad Anderson, Corporate VP, Enterprise Mobility + Security; and Perry Clarke, GM, Office 365, who have driven Zscaler integration with various Microsoft products.

As Scott pointed out, the cloud is a central component of digital transformation, and security is central to any cloud strategy. Our two companies will continue to work together to provide customers with comprehensive end-to-end security as they move applications and infrastructure to the cloud.

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