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Introduction: OTZ Use Cases | Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange

August 08, 2023 - 3 Min de lectura

Introducing the Zscaler “One True Zero” Use Case Video Series? 


Most people that we talk to are already bought into some or all of the core tenets of zero trust, whether or not they use that term. They employ things like least-privileged access, identity management, logging, and endpoint protection. But they’re also contending with existing infrastructures that often look like this:


Figure 1: Legacy network architectures are complex and insecure


That’s hard to transform overnight. But Zero trust adoption is almost always a stepwise approach, implemented piece-by-piece, use case by use case. And the One True Zero Use Case series is here to help you along the path.

In this video and blog series, we’ll look at common Zscaler use cases through the lens of “Acme Corp,” and walk through some of the challenges our various Acme users like Remote Rob, Hybrid Hannah, and Contractor Kevin experience. We’ll then show how the Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange can bring order and security to their day-to-day chaos.


Figure 2: Acme users leveraged for Zscaler zero trust use cases


In this series, we’ll cover challenges such as:

  • Zero-Day Attacks
  • Phishing attacks
  • Ransomware
  • Browser Isolation
  • Sandboxing with Advanced Inline Protection
  • Data Loss/Protection

What does having an effective Zero Trust strategy really mean?


The industry likes to label everything Zero Trust but the reality is most platforms are not truly suited for a zero trust strategy. You simply cannot stop unknown threats, nor can you limit the blast radius of successful attacks, with passthrough detection tools and legacy VPNs and Firewalls that increase your attack surface, degrade your user experience, and still leave your network flat.

Conversely, the Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange acts like a lightning-fast switchboard. It verifies identity and context and applies controls to ensure that users are not carrying threats or leaking sensitive data. Then, it enforces policies to determine whether to connect the requestor to a destination source. All of this happens with almost no added latency, for a seamless user experience.


Figure 3: The Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange can secure all your users


Zscaler: The “One True Zero”


Zscaler's Zero Trust Exchange is the one true global, inline and comprehensive zero trust platform, securing all users, workloads and devices. It protects inline and out-of-band data with advanced data classification and controls, connects to apps not to networks to prevent lateral movement and can identify and resolve performance issues with its digital experience management system. The ZTE minimizes the attack surface by hiding users and applications behind a proxy; inspecting all traffic (including encrypted traffic) and applying AI-powered threat protection powered by the world's largest security cloud.


Figure 4: Zscaler's ZTE is the one true comprehensive zero trust platform


Be sure to check out the use case blogs in this series or watch the accompanying videos at:

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