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News & Announcements

Reflections on Infosecurity Europe 2013

April 29, 2013 - 2 Min de lectura

This year’s Infosecurity Europe show took place on 23-25th April at the Earls Court Exhibition centre in London.  The event attracted more than 10,000 delegates from a number of mid to large enterprises and over 310 exhibitors from the IT security sector. The event covered many common themes surrounding threats to organizations from Hackers, malware and many new IT security threats which are causing issues for many large enterprises in Europe.

This year’s Infosecurity Europe show took place on 23-25th April at the Earls Court Exhibition centre in London.  The event attracted more than 10,000 delegates from a number of mid to large enterprises and over 310 exhibitors from the IT security sector.


The event covered many common themes surrounding threats to organizations from Hackers, malware and many new IT security threats which are causing issues for many large enterprises in Europe.  The event provided a number of key note sessions from some of the leading CISO’s and government advisors in Europe covering cybercrime, security breaches and providing a deep insight into the changing IT landscape and the security risks attached to this change.

This year Zscaler made a big impact at the show with street stencils and reverse pickpockets placing Zscaler flyers into the pockets of all the visitors.  We decided to use the reverse pick pocket theme to link in with the subject of security breaches and cyber crime with the tag line “you are probably wondering how you go this? It’s even easier to steal your sensitive information”.  Everyone is talking (even the competitors) about our zany marketing initiative and wondering what campaign we will initiate next year at the 2014 event.


Overall this year’s show provided delegates an opportunity to gain advice and guidance on key security issues that will be at the top of every companies IT agenda in 2014.

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