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Larry Biagini

Chief Technology Evangelist
A seasoned IT veteran and change advocate with over 35 years of experience in information technology. Larry has led a variety of technology teams and serves in various capacities as Operations Leader, CTO, CISO, CIO and Application development leader.

Noticias y anuncios

Arquitectura de Zero Trust

Don't Confuse GDPR Compliance with Security

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Photo Larry Biagini
Larry Biagini
August 03, 2018 | 5 Min de lectura

Noticias y anuncios

Opiniones de los expertos

We Closed! Now What?: A CIO's Playbook for M&A

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Photo Larry Biagini
Larry Biagini
February 09, 2018 | 5 Min de lectura

Noticias y anuncios

Arquitectura de Zero Trust

Abandoning the perimeter mindset

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Photo Larry Biagini
Larry Biagini
January 22, 2018 | 5 Min de lectura

Noticias y anuncios

Opiniones de los expertos

Lessons from 2017: The Identity Crisis in the Technology C Suite

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Photo Larry Biagini
Larry Biagini
January 15, 2018 | 4 Min de lectura

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