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Security Research

Zscaler Safe Shopping Available For Firefox 4 Mobile

mai 06, 2011 - 2 Min de lecture
After porting Search Engine Security to Firefox Mobile, I have also made Zscaler Safe Shopping available for smartphones. This add-on warns users when they are browsing a fake or compromised store. If you happen to visit one of these sites, you will be warned to not enter sensitive information, such as a credit card number or a mailing address.
Install Zscaler Safe Shopping add-on for Firefox 4 Mobile

Mobile notifications

Version 1.1 of Zscaler Safe Shopping offers the same features as version 1.0 for Desktop browsers. However, the notification system on the mobile version is a slightly different. Extension developers can use either the built-in alert system, or display a dialog box to the user. The former system is less intrusive, but it seems that the implementation is different depending on the OS. Firefox 4 Mobile on Windows displays a nice panel at the botttom of the phone, while my Android phone shows a tiny message at the top of the phone. On my phone, the warning is barely noticeable, and does not work when the browser is in full-screen.
Desktop notification on Windows
Desktop notification on a phone

I've therefore added an option to choose the appropriate notification system. Users can choose the best option for their system.
Choose the type of alert for your OS
Low bandwidth requirements

The list of fake and compromised stores is stored locally. It is refreshed once a day, but you can change it to a longer interval using the options. The denylist is about 11kb.
Zscaler Safe Shopping options

Install Zscaler Safe Shopping add-on for Firefox 4 Mobile

-- Julien 
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