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The White House
Products & Solutions

The White House Is Focused on Cybersecurity. What Can We Change Together?

October 15, 2021 - 3 Min de lecture

As we observe Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2021, we are looking at a very different threat landscape – and new opportunities to fight those threats.

President Biden recently met with the CEOs of major technology, financial services, and energy companies to discuss national security and specifically, cybersecurity, signaling an understanding that strengthening cyber defenses must be an “all of America” effort. In particular, discussion focused on the security of critical infrastructure sectors, and the need to grow the cybersecurity workforce.

We are encouraged to see more communication – and wholeheartedly agree we need new levels of public/private collaboration.  

We also agree progress requires a combination of people – building the cyber workforce, and the right solutions.  

On the workforce front, Zscaler has been leading the way in the U.S. Federal and Public Sector by bringing disruptive technology to market, accompanied by the expertise of long-term industry professionals, and those joining us straight out of government and military service.  

The perspective these groups bring creates a new breed of customer engagement that combines cutting-edge industry solutions, experienced industry leaders, and professionals with front-line experience in Federal agencies, including battle-tried vets. This combination of factors helps us move more quickly, and deliver disruptive technology, without disruption.   

We salute the President for inviting the CEOs of major technology, financial services, and energy companies, to discuss cyber security. Perhaps as part of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, he will consider reaching out to up-and-coming companies, the Googles and Apples of the future. Innovation starts with disruption outside our comfort zone. In times like this, we are going to need to get a bit uncomfortable to beat the enemy, a tactic we learned on the battlefield that has now moved to the boardroom. 

It is the smaller, cloud-based, agile companies – Zscaler and others – that have mobilized to immediately step up and help agencies meet the requirements of the new cyber Executive Order.

The EO set our government on the path to zero trust – and the newly-announced draft Zero Trust Strategy, maturity model, and cloud reference architecture signals that the Federal government is preparing to move the vision of zero trust into action.

Zscaler has been leading the charge to help the federal government understand the benefits of zero trust for more than ten years. With the highest FedRAMP certifications, we count more than 100 government agencies and federal systems integrators as customers.

We are among a select group of companies chosen by NIST, a national standards body, to run a pilot program in support of the Cybersecurity Executive Order. We are excited about this opportunity to help our country dramatically improve our security posture while significantly reducing legacy IT costs

As a result of our deep understanding of the requirements, and our approach to zero trust, we are able to provide cloud-based, easy-to-deploy zero trust solutions that can be rapidly implemented to strengthen security against increasing threats from well-funded and organized nation-state actors and others. 

We believe as agencies adopt the Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange they will be able to shorten the three-year timeline outlined in the EO and Federal Zero Trust Strategy, without the need for additional resources. The sooner our nation adopts zero trust, the sooner we become more secure. We need zero trust for national security. 

The White House is focused on cybersecurity. Working together, we can help our country dramatically improve its security posture.

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