types of devices secured


to apply segmentation


endpoint agents required


Legacy approach to segmentation made it complex to provision and manage policies for the 90 types of devices on Kingston Technology’s factory floor, including thermal units, packaging machines, testing machines, manufacturing line equipment

Misprovisioned access increases risk exposure for OT assets

Phasen der Customer Journey

Secured access to the internet and private applications with the Zero Trust Exchange, including Zscaler Internet Access and Zscaler Private Access

Extended zero trust to the factory floor with Device Segmentation, where every device is secured without taking endpoints offline and without the need for agents, east-west firewalls, or VLAN readdressing


Reduces complexity and risk by enforcing policy on every endpoint, with the granularity to control access by MAC address

Applies segmentation in minutes and without taking devices offline, unlike in legacy approaches where making policy changes means days of offline devices and delays to the factory line

Kingston Technology Snapshot

Kingston Technology is a world leader in memory products and technology solutions, trusted by leading PC manufacturers and cloud providers around the world.


High Tech


Fountain Valley, CA, United States


3,000+ employees, 63+ Surface Mount Technology (SMT) lines

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Securing the factory floor with zero trust device segmentation

Zscaler has allowed us to reduce our risk footprint by reducing the potential for misconfigured access to the devices that sit in our manufacturing floor. [...] And I would say that the utilization of the platform, in terms of segmenting assets, can be done in minutes.

John Leitgeb

, IT Director and CISO