threats blocked in one month
employees worldwide connect to the internet and private apps via zero trust
strategic alliance partners integrate seamlessly
Legacy VPNs and firewalls hindered growth and were unable to support 30,000+ factory floor employees during the pandemic and beyond
Traditional perimeter-based security architecture was incompatible with the company’s cloud-first strategy and segmentation needs
Lack of visibility limited threat discovery and slowed down time to remediation
Phasen der Customer Journey
- Replaced security and access tools with zero trust connectivity to the internet and private apps
- Embraced AI innovations to uncover and combat AI-based threats and provide segmentation for manufacturing sites
- Improved attack awareness with preemptive and predictive breach detection and response
Provides a more secure, reliable, and regulated user experience for employees and third parties
Leverages the power of AI for threat detection, data loss prevention, remediation, visibility into ChatGPT usage, and application segmentation
Strengthens access control through zero trust segmentation and integration with EDR, CDR, and NDR tools
Eaton Snapshot
Global electrical equipment manufacturer for aerospace and other industries
Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.
90,000+ employees and users in 170 countries worldwide
Eaton embraces zero trust with AI to drive its cloud-first evolution
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