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COVID-19: A Call for Compassion

April 03, 2020 - 3 Lesezeit: Min

Since the outbreak began, Zscaler has been focused on helping people work from home to keep them safe and to minimize any disruption to our customers’ businesses. That is our number one priority as a company right now and, alongside our company values, it is what drives each of us every day in our work. But for many in the global community, the crisis has little to do with business as usual, and we have a responsibility to help those hardest hit by the pandemic from a health and economic standpoint. Today, Zscaler and its employees are answering a new call to support humanitarian organizations around the world.

Zscaler is helping employees double their contributions to certain charitable organizations that are working hard to help the global community get through the pandemic. We have selected a handful of charities to simplify and speed the distribution of funds. These excellent organizations were chosen based on their history and financial practices and because they correspond to the locations where most of our employees live. 

  • Second Harvest Food Bank of Silicon Valley
    Second Harvest of Silicon Valley is committed to ensuring that nutritious food continues to flow into the community. Food banks have been officially designated as essential services, so SHFB will remain fully operational during the crisis.
  • Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina
    Before the pandemic hit, nearly 600,000 people were facing hunger across the Food Bank’s 34-county service area. As schools and businesses close due to the pandemic, that number is increasing and more and more people are turning to the Food Bank for assistance. 
  • European Food Banks Federation (FEBA)
    The European Food Banks Federation works to strengthen networks, develop food banks, and raise awareness. Last year, FEBA facilitated the distribution of 4.3 million meals a day to 9.3 million people through its collaboration with 45,700 charities.
  • Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund of India
    Created to offer relief to victims of natural disasters such as floods, cyclones, and earthquakes, the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund, which runs entirely on public contributions, is now focused on providing support through the  COVID-19 crisis. 
  • World Health Organization’s (WHO) COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund
    WHO is leading and coordinating the global effort to support countries in preventing, detecting, and responding to the pandemic. The WHO estimates that funding of at least $675 million is needed for mission-critical response efforts just through the month of April. As the outbreak evolves, funding needs are likely to increase.


For those of us fortunate enough to be healthy and working right now, let’s not lose sight of what is most important: family, friends, and community. Though we have jobs to do, our health and safety, and that of our communities, is of paramount importance, and these charities are providing critical aid in this time of need. I’m proud that Zscaler and its employees are doing what we can to support our communities. I encourage you to visit their sites and support them, or the charities of your choice, to the degree that you are able.

Greg Pappas is the Zscaler Chief People Officer

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