Zscaler Advanced Threat Protection

Close your security gaps with cloud-delivered defense in depth.

Why ransomware and other damaging threats bypass security

Organizations spend millions each year on network security with advanced threat protection, yet breaches persist. Why do they continue to struggle to protect their users? From incomplete traffic inspection to visibility gaps into encrypted and off-network traffic, today’s traditional security approaches are fundamentally broken.

The limitations of traditional threat protection
Inadequate inspection

Passthrough architectures like NGFWs can only inspect at the packet level, and they can’t inspect full content from start to finish.

A lack of SSL decryption

Current appliance and VM approaches can’t scale for resource-heavy tasks like SSL decryption, which leaves you blind to threats.

Oblivious to unknown malware

Traditional sandboxing solutions don’t operate inline, which means threats are only detected after they’ve already compromised your systems.

Limited off-network user protection

When users drop off the network and VPN, you lose any ability to enforce policy and security controls.

Why it Matters

Zscaler Advanced Threat Protection

Zscaler Advanced Threat Protection delivers always-on, airtight ransomware protection, zero-day threat prevention, and unknown malware prevention. As a cloud native proxy, the Zscaler security cloud ensures that every packet from every user, on or off-network, gets fully inspected from start to finish, with unlimited capacity to inspect TLS/SSL. With an integrated suite of AI-powered security services, including critical capabilities such as Zscaler Sandbox, IPS, DNS security, threat intelligence, browser isolation, and deception, you’ll close security gaps and reduce risks that result from other security solutions’ shortcomings.

What can Zscaler Advanced Threat Protection deliver?
Full inline prevention

Inline proxy architecture is the only reliable way to quarantine and block suspicious content and attacks.

Inline sandbox and ML

Zscaler Sandbox uses integrated ML for advanced analysis to quickly stop threats at any stage of the attack.

Always-on SSL inspection

Distributed across a global platform, you get infinite SSL inspection that follows users, on the network and off.

The Zscaler cloud effect

We leverage threat data from the world’s largest security cloud to share threat protections worldwide in real time.

What makes Zscaler Advanced Threat Protection unique?
Proxy inspection at cloud scale

Inspect all traffic and content from start to finish with the Zscaler proxy architecture. Inspection is cloud-delivered and per-user, and you get infinite scale, no matter how much bandwidth your users consume.

Off-network protection without complaints

Our lightweight endpoint app, along with our 150+ global data centers, guarantees that every user is blanketed with airtight protection with a fast, local connection.

A sandbox that quarantines threats

Zscaler Sandbox is natively inline, enabling you to quarantine files and inspect before delivery, instead of letting them pass through like most traditional solutions.

Smarter threat detection with machine learning

Improve your response to polymorphic threats, newly registered domains, and phishing. With integrated ML techniques that accelerate verdicts, Zscaler quickly detects and blocks malicious content.


Check your security now

Test your defenses with our instant Internet Threat Exposure Analysis. It’s free, confidential, and safe—85% of companies that run this test find vulnerabilities that require immediate attention.

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Schedule a demo

Understand your threat exposure and how the Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange platform can securely and quickly transform the way you do business.