As cyberattacks get more sophisticated and severe, manufacturers are more focused than ever on improving uptime as well as people and plant safety. Connected factories increase the risk of downtime, potentially costing millions in losses, reputational damage, and supply chain disruption. Meanwhile, the need to digitalize and converge OT/IT to transform the business has many operational technology professionals rethinking their security strategies.


Our white paper 3 Essential Zero Trust Principles for Reducing Security Risk in OT Environments looks in detail at the challenges OT security and plant operations leaders face, including:


  • Hyperconnectivity and digitalization dissolving the air gap
  • Large attack surfaces created by legacy network security approaches
  • Operational/cyber-physical risks of unpatchable OT assets
  • Rising costs and complexity of traditional hardware-based infrastructure scaling


Read it today to learn how a zero trust architecture can help you effectively overcome these challenges and work with business leaders without disrupting your operations. You’ll come away armed with actionable strategies to help you accelerate digital transformation with faster adoption of Industry 4.0.