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Zscaler Academy: Reflecting on 2023 and Soaring into 2024

Januar 24, 2024 - 3 Lesezeit: Min

2023 was a year of transformation and innovation for Zscaler Academy. We reimagined cybersecurity education, tailoring it to the evolving landscape of zero trust security. As we begin 2024, it's time to reflect on what we've achieved and show you what's on the horizon

2023: Building the Pillars of Zero Trust Learning

New Training and Offerings: We revamped our curriculum, introducing the Zscaler for Users learning path and specializations in Data Protection, Cyberthreat Protection, and Workloads. Hands-on labs, live virtual training, and engaging workshops became the norm, bridging the gap between theory and practice.

New Approach: We embraced a learner-centric approach, catering to diverse learning styles and preferences. Self-paced e-learning, interactive webinars, and immersive workshops offered flexibility and depth, empowering individuals at all levels.

Certification: We evolved our certification program, aligning it with the latest zero trust advancements, and introduced an industry-standard third-party proctored certification exam. The Zscaler Digital Transformation Administrator (ZDTA) certification exam is the final step in the Zscaler for Users - Essentials learning path, and supports the journey of any security professional to validate their understanding of deploying and implementing the Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange platform.

Certification badge

Roadshows and Virtual Training: We took Zscaler Academy on the road, hosting virtual and in-person events like Zscaler Training Roadshows and Virtual Training workshops around the globe. These interactive sessions fostered connections, knowledge sharing, and a sense of community among Zscaler users and partners

A Year of Bridging the Cybersecurity Skills Gap

Customers: We empowered customers to maximize the value of their Zscaler investments. Our training equipped administrators, security professionals, and end users with the skills to confidently navigate the Zero Trust Exchange.

Partners: We supported our partners in their growth journey. The Partner Academy provided the knowledge and expertise needed to build successful Zscaler practices and deliver exceptional customer service.

Workforce of the Future: We invested in the future by inspiring and equipping the next generation of cybersecurity professionals. Our initiatives are contributing to closing the cybersecurity skills gap, ensuring a talent pool prepared for the zero trust era through the Zscaler Academic Alliance Program.

The New Charter Era: What Awaits in 2024

Micro-Learning and Micro-Credentials: We're embracing bite-sized learning, offering micro-credentials for specific skills. This agile approach will allow you to stay ahead of the curve and acquire targeted knowledge on the go.

New Certifications: We'll be expanding our certification portfolio, introducing new paths that validate expertise in specific Zscaler solutions and emerging security domains.

More Training Courses and Events: We'll continue to diversify our offerings, adding new training courses (like Ransomware Protection, Deception, Troubleshooting, and more), live workshops, and virtual events. Expect deeper dives into specific technologies, industry trends, and best practices.

Personalized Learning: We're committed to personalization, utilizing data and insights to tailor learning recommendations and experiences to your individual needs and goals

The Future Is Zero Trust, and Zscaler Academy Is Your Guide

As we step into 2024, Zscaler Academy remains your trusted partner on your zero trust journey. We'll continue to innovate, adapt, and empower you with the knowledge and skills to thrive in the dynamic security landscape.

Stay tuned for exciting announcements and updates! We're dedicated to making Zscaler Academy the leading destination for zero trust education, ensuring you're always prepared to secure your future in the age of zero trust.

Join us in 2024! Let's keep learning, growing, and building a safer digital world together

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