Why Settle for Traditional SD-WAN?

Improve security with Zero Trust SD-WAN

Traditional SD-WAN creates security risks and operational overhead

Traditional SD-WAN solutions use site-to-site VPNs and extend your network everywhere, expanding the attack surface and enabling the lateral movement of threats. Relying on a castle-and-moat security architecture, they increase cost and complexity and fail to protect organizations against cyberthreats such as ransomware.

Routing complexity
Routing complexity

Site-to-site VPNs and mesh networks introduce complexity and cost, slowing down enterprise agility

Lateral threat movement
Lateral threat movement

Flat, routable networks allow cyberthreats to move freely through the enterprise and infect anything

Performance bottlenecks
Performance bottlenecks

Hub-and-spoke networks introduce traffic tromboning resulting in poor app performance

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Zero Trust SD-WAN eliminates lateral movement

Zscaler Zero Trust SD-WAN provides branches and data centers fast, reliable access to the internet and private applications with a direct-to-cloud architecture that provides strong security and operational simplicity. It eliminates lateral threat movement by connecting users and IoT/OT devices to applications through the Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange™ platform.

Branch traffic can be securely forwarded directly to the Zero Trust Exchange, where ZIA or ZPA policies can be applied for full security inspection and access identity-based control of branch and data center communications. Trusted application traffic can be sent directly across the internet with direct internet breakout.  

Improves application performance
Improves application performance

Replace complex site-to-site VPNs with a simple direct-to-cloud architecture that improves application performance and increases productivity.

Minimizes the internet attack surface
Minimizes the internet attack surface

Legacy WAN solutions expose the VPN ports to the public internet making networks more vulnerable to attacks. With Zero Trust SD-WAN, private applications sit behind the Zero Trust Exchange, where they can’t be discovered or attacked from the internet.

Prevents lateral threat movement
Prevents lateral threat movement

Site-to-site VPNs create a large routable network, and a single infected device can infect everything on the network. With Zero Trust SD-WAN, connections are made directly to applications, not the network.

Men and women reading an ebook on a tablet
Men and women reading an ebook on a tablet

Seven Elements of Highly Successful Zero Trust Architecture

wind turbines

"We are enabling work from anywhere and want to achieve zero trust connectivity for all our branches and factories with IoT and OT systems."

“Zero Trust SD-WAN will allow us to minimize our internet attack surface, prevent the lateral movement of threats on our network, and simplify branch connectivity. This, in combination with policy automation and experience monitoring as part of the Zscaler platform, will help us achieve operational excellence.”

—Rui Cabeço, Service Group Mgr., Outbound Connectivity, Siemens

wind turbines

The first Zero Trust SASE

SASE architectures built on traditional SD-WAN expand the attack surface and allow lateral threat movement, undermining the zero trust architecture. Zscaler Zero Trust SASE is built on Zero Trust SD-WAN and AI to reduce business risk and network complexity.

Use Cases

Zero Trust SD-WAN in action

API integrations automate tunnel creation to the closest Zscaler data center for simplified deployment.

Site-to-site VPN replacement

Eliminate complex site-to-site VPNs or hub-and-spoke networks with a direct-to-cloud architecture that improves application performance.

Accelerate M&A integration

Simplify and secure integrations between workforces, app hosting environments, and shared resource access across your ecosystem.

Secure access to OT resources

Provide clientless browser-based access to SSH/RDP ports on OT assets for vendors/contractors while eliminating the attack surface by removing exposed SSH/RDP ports or VPN endpoints.

IoT device discovery and classification

Get deeper visibility and insights into IoT devices at the branch. Achieve automatic device classification based on traffic profiles with the ability to manage policy controls for the IoT traffic.

Schedule a custom demo

Understand your threat exposure and how the Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange platform can securely and quickly transform the way you do business.