
Protect users anywhere from malware and other threats with consistent policy enforcement, TLS/SSL decryption, and inspection


Provides complete decryption and inspection of TLS/SSL traffic

Filters content intelligently, without restricting benign traffic

Enables consistent policy enforcement without continuous manual tuning

Expands services easily on a fully integrated, cloud native platform

Delivers identical protection at any location—in-office or remote

CSR Snapshot

Founded in 1855, CSR manufactures trusted products for home building, renovation, and commercial construction. It is a top 200 ASX-listed company with more than 2,500 employees across Australia and New Zealand, and a network of retail outlets, manufacturing sites, distributors, and sales and support staff.



Sede centrale:

North Ryde, Australia


2,500+ employees at 130+ sites in in Australia and New Zealand

CSR’s journey to secure digital transformation

CSR’s journey to secure digital transformation

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We’re very happy with the Zscaler service, and indeed we’re looking to build on the services that we currently use with regards to remote sites.

Dave Edge

, Security Architect, CSR


We try not to restrict content except where it’s potentially malicious, and we have really entrusted that part to Zscaler.

Dave Edge, Security Architect, CSR


We feel confident that [Zscaler’s] technology is continually evolving to keep pace with the types of threats that exist.

Dave Edge, Security Architect, CSR


We really wanted a bit of a set and forget … we don’t want to have to spend too much time actually tweaking those systems.

Dave Edge, Security Architect, CSR

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