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Security Research

Mjag dropper: Using decoy documents to drop RATs

gennaio 10, 2019 - 4 Minuti di lettura

Mjag dropper

Mjag dropper is compiled in the Microsoft .NET framework, and its original binary is obfuscated using SmartAssembly. The installation path and other details are stored in encrypted form using AES encryption (Fig. 1), and the decryption key is hardcoded.

ImageFig. 1: AES decryption function

The payload and decoy PDF is encrypted and stored in the resource section, and a custom encryption method has been used. The decryption key is hardcoded (Fig. 2).

ImageFig. 2: Extracting decoy PDF and payload

The decoy document claims to be an India Overseas Bank NEFT transaction statement. It lures users to click the “Click here to view full document” link, which points to a malicious website hosting a copy of the Mjag droppper payload. (Fig. 3).

ImageFig. 3: Decoy PDF document



  • Copies itself in “%APPDATA%\FolderN\name.exe”  location
  • Creates startup key: “HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\Load” with values as “%APPDATA%\FolderN\name.exe.lnk”
  • Copies “C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\<Version>\msbuild.exe” to “%TMP%\svhost.exe”
  • Starts svhost.exe in suspend mode and injects the final payload (Fig. 4)

ImageFig. 4: Process injection using Windows APIs

However, the injected payload does not run properly and displays an error message (Fig. 5).


Fig. 5: Unhandled exception popup

This error is due to the injector code not being able to inject the overlay part of the payload, the part that contains the command-and-control (C&C) server details. As shown in the injection code snapshot below, it allocates memory in a target process similar to the size of image length defined in the PE header of payload (Fig. 6). This means Mjag will not be able to properly inject payloads (like Punisher RAT) that contain important data in the overlay.  Image

Fig. 6: Injector code

For the purpose of this blog we patched the memory mapping issue and continued our analysis of the infection cycle involving Punisher RAT.

Analysis of Punisher RAT

Punisher RAT is packed and written in .NET. The Punisher RAT builder is publicly available and can be configured with a range of features. In the builder (Fig. 7), you can configure the server IP, name, password, and listening port. The RAT will communicate on the given server IP and send all the information stolen from the victim’s machine. There is also a feature to add more functionality in binary, including anti-VMware, anti-AV, sandbox detection, and USB spread for further infection, among others.

ImageFig. 7: Punisher RAT builder

During analysis, we saw various functions of this malware, including:

1. Password stealing module

The malware hunts for various application data and steals the credentials. Here (Fig. 8), it is trying to steal the stored login credentials for the Chrome browser. The stolen information will look like:


|USR| username or e-mail

|PWD| userpassword


Fig. 8: Stealing module

The Punisher RAT attempts to steal sensitive data from the following applications on the infected system: Filezilla, No-IP Dynamic Update Client, Dyn DNS, Paltalk, FireFox, Chrome, Hotmail, Yahoo, Opera, and Internet Explorer.

2. Anti-task manager

The malware checks for the following applications’ processes, and does not allow these applications to terminate any other processes running on the user's system.

  • Process Explorer
  • Process Hacker
  • Task Manager

This allows malware author to ensure that the malware processes cannot be terminated. Fig. 9 shows that while attempting to kill 'a.exe' process using the Process Explorer, the “OK” button will be replaced by an “Error” button.

ImageFig. 9: Anti-task manager


3. Keylogging 

The malware can capture keystrokes (Fig. 10) and store the data into the %AppData%/{random digits}.log file.

ImageFig. 10: Capturing keystrokes


4. Persistence 

The malware copies itself in the startup folder and creates a run key of this location.



5. Spreading vector

It looks for a removable drive and CD-ROM for infection and creates an .lnk file.

Below (Fig. 11) depicts the spreading mechanism through a USB device.


Fig. 11: USB spread


6. AV checks

The Punisher RAT checks for installed AV software (Fig. 12) and updates to the server.

ImageFig. 12: Checking AV

Network activity

The hardcoded C&C information (Fig. 12) is extracted from the payload, and it will split the data with the delimiter “abccba.”

ImageFig. 13: C&C server information


It also collects the information about the multiple running processes:

AW|BawaneH|Process Explorernj-q8


The table consists of extracted C&C information from the payload.


This RAT uses “BawaneH” as a delimiter to split the server response data. It performs various actions based on received commands. There were a total of 59 commands used by the server, shown in the following table:

Fig.14: Received commands


Md5: 0a459c18e3b8bdef87a6fb7ea860acdb

Filename: NEFTIOBAN1830369427520181030ABBIdiaLtddt30102018_pdf.exe

Download URL: tenau[.]pw/owa/neftioban1830369427520181030abbidialtddt30102018_pdf.exe


Sandbox Report



Fig. 15: Zscaler Sandbox report





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