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Zscaler Partners: Level up your pipeline generation with the Partner Demand Center’s new tools and enhancements


The Zscaler Partner Demand Center (PDC), launched in 2021, provides partners with a wealth of no-cost, turn-key marketing resources. Zscaler Partners can create and execute email campaigns, microsites, social media campaigns, and more, with no code and minimal effort.

The results speak for themselves. Over the past year, partners have engaged more than 11,000 prospects through the PDC. In the past quarter (August–October 2022), we saw email campaigns deliver click-through rates (CTR) well above the B2B technology industry standard of 3%, with an average CTR of 23%. We’ve even seen engagement as high as 78% CTR!

Now, to help our partners further scale your marketing efforts, Zscaler is thrilled to introduce an expansion of features and resources to the PDC.

What’s new and improved:

  • The Partner Agency Connect (PAC) gives partners access to proven, best-in-class marketing agencies to execute partner-led Zscaler co-marketing activities.
  • Pre-built Campaigns include co-brandable landing pages that partners can deploy in minutes to capture quality leads for sales follow-up.
  • The Event Toolkits provide everything you need to execute events and webinars, including a co-brandable registration page and pre- and post-event email templates.
  • No-cost Concierge Services with multi-language support in the Americas, EMEA, and APJ to help Zscaler Partners drive qualified leads through the PDC.

We look forward to continuing to help our partners maximize results through these new PDC features. After all, partner co-marketing efforts that leverage digital channels see four times the pipeline of non-digital partnerships—so here’s to hitting our targets and building the future!


Partner-Agency Connect (PAC)

In addition to the free tools and content available in the PDC, Zscaler partners can now get support from third-party marketing agencies to run pre-packaged marketing programs that build awareness, drive new logo acquisition, nurture leads, and grow marketing-sourced pipeline.

Agency service offerings are categorized to support each unique stage of the cycle, ranging from awareness creation to lead generation and nurture. All programs include Co-op-eligible activities such as content development, campaign support and execution, list enhancement, paid and social media, and more.

The PAC provides several advantages to Zscaler partners, including:

  • Access to marketing scale. The PDC is ideal for partners with limited or no marketing resources, or who are looking for turn-key campaigns.
  • Faster time to market. Pre-approved content, activities, and processes give you a big speed advantage over competitors.
  • Best-in-class services. Our agency partners have been carefully selected for the quality of their execution, relationship-building skills, and strategic expertise.
  • One-step Co-op integration. Activities are Co-op-eligible and do not require you to enter a separate Co-op plan request.

PAC is available to all Zscaler partners, including the Americas, EMEA, and APJ. 

Regionally-focused agencies will be added in the future to service local needs. Some program offerings may have pre-requisites for approval to ensure optimal ROI—if so, those requirements are explained on the offering listing.

Visit the Partner Agency Connect


New and Improved Campaigns! 

Developing a marketing campaign from scratch can be costly and time-consuming. With the PDC, partners can find pre-built high-quality campaigns that can be executed in just a few minutes.

Partners can now explore new multi-touch campaigns and resources designed to generate demand and help drive revenue. You can also download the content and assets to execute campaigns in your own systems and marketing automation tools.


The Security Assessment Tool Campaign

The new Security Assessment Tool campaign addresses key pain points that organizations face, as high-impact ransomware, supply chain attacks, and other sophisticated threats continue to escalate. 

Partners can leverage the Zscaler Internet Threat Exposure Analysis tool to help customers and prospects identify potential vulnerabilities and provide meaningful recommendations on improving their security posture. 

A co-brandable microsite and email templates are available on the PDC, and any prospects that click through to the assessment will be delivered directly back to partners as leads to follow-up.


Event Toolkits

There’s no better way to connect with customers and prospects than to host an engaging event. 

Partners can now find three turn-key event programs on the PDC to help you plan and execute successful events. By leveraging these programs, you can quickly bring zero trust and cybersecurity expertise and knowledge to your target audience and start engaging with prospects.

The event toolkits include:

  • Pre- and post-event email templates for invitation and follow-up
  • Ready-to-use templates for event registration
  • Zscaler Lunch & Learn and Webinar support via PAC
  • Event data capture
  • Zscaler provided event materials


Get Started Today

Our partner marketing concierge team is available to help via email, chat, or video call, at no cost to partners. Your regional concierge can help you upload your list, set up an automated Zscaler campaign, and evaluate your campaign’s results. All you need to do is follow up on leads. 

Support is available in the Americas, EMEA, and APJ. Reach out to

To access the PDC and check out the new tools above, log in to the Zscaler Partner Portal, head over to the Marketing tab, and select Partner Demand Center. 


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