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Let's Talk CASB: The Data Protection Dialogues

aprile 14, 2021 - 2 Minuti di lettura
For a more in-depth look into what it takes to build a comprehensive data protection and security strategy, be sure to check out our new video series, Data Protection Dialogues.

Like most progressive companies, you've probably got CASB on your shopping list. Cloud applications have changed everything. Your sensitive data has left yesterday's on-prem networks and is now distributed everywhere, with your users accessing this sensitive information from anywhere but the office. You need more control over your data than ever before; however, legacy, network-centric security tools offer little to none. So, naturally, CASB seems like an easy next step, right? 

At first, this seems true—especially if you've just started migrating your applications to the public cloud and have been previously relying on more network-centric solutions—because you do obtain more control over your data than before with CASB. However. Most organizations see CASB at surface value—more control and more control is good—and fail to realize that it's only a fraction of an enterprise's complete Data Loss Prevention plan. As you can see, upgrading your data protection strategy takes a whole lot more than just buying a few point products. 

So, with that in mind, Zscaler CISO Mark Lueck, and VP of product management Moinul Khan have joined me in creating a new video series, Data Protection Dialogues. In these videos, we talk about all things data and how your organization can protect it. In our first episode, we chat about CASB and how it's just a part of a larger data protection strategy. We also discuss why CASB is so hot right now, how CASB converges with SWG and DLP, and practical advice for formulating a fool-proof CASB strategy. 

But our first episode doesn't stop there. We even address the challenges of securing a remote workforce and enabling secure BYOD access. You can watch this episode on-demand here

What’s new in the world of data protection? For a closer look at solving some challenges you are probably facing right now, with apps and data distributed across clouds, as well as CASB’s role in your data protection strategy, be sure to check out our latest video series, Data Protection Dialogues.

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