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Aaron Rohyans

Sr. Principal Solutions Architect - Business Development

Aaron is a Principal Solutions Architect at Zscaler, where he leads strategic initiatives in collaboration with AWS to help partners and customers implement secure, cloud-native architectures using Zscaler’s Zero Trust Exchange. Aaron works closely with AWS and internal teams to design integrated solutions, drive joint go-to-market strategies, and support co-selling efforts. As a technical evangelist, he delivers architecture workshops, whitepapers, and best practices to accelerate Zero Trust adoption in AWS environments. Additionally, he plays a key role in gathering partner and customer feedback to influence product roadmaps and integration strategies.

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Approfondimenti sulla sicurezza

Resilient by Design: Proaktive Cyber-Strategien statt nachträglicher Vorfallsreaktion

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Photo Brian Marvin
Brian Marvin
febbraio 11, 2025 | 5 Minuti di lettura

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