Driving IT C-suite digital enterprise success
A peer-driven sounding board of like-minded technology executives digging into today's most pressing leadership and technology challenges
Each CXO Executive Circle offers:
Create peer-to-peer relationships in a leadership network that faces the same challenges you do daily.
Exchange actionable best practices with peer visionaries who have successfully launched transformation initiatives.
Develop and benchmark plans for organizational change based on experience from fellow technology leader experts.
Advance your professional and corporate goals faster through a team of experienced technology CXOs.
Frequently Asked Questions
For now, CXO Executive Circles are virtual events. In-person events are possible in the future.
Generally, every other month, or 6x/year, for 60-90 minutes. Meeting cadence and schedules are decided by the group after the initial meeting.
Technology executives leading large enterprise organizations
Please email cxo@zscaler.com for assistance.