Rasik Vekaria

VP Enterprise Security Architecture

bp, plc

Rasik Vekaria

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SectorGlobal Energy


Revenue$210.1 Billion

HQLondon, England

About the Company

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Rasik Vekaria rethinks security for the cloud and digital era

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The digital era requires organizations to continuously rethink the way security is delivered, both to meet the demands of modern business and to protect them from the rapidly changing threat landscape.

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Rasik's Transformation journey

Rasik Vekaria has worked in the information security field for almost 25 years, and has honed his craft with experience across many vertical markets and numerous IT and security positions. As the VP of Security Architecture for bp, he continuously pushes and tests the status quo, and delivers security services that meet demanding business needs. Rasik believes that successful transformation comes from working with the right people who have the right lean-forward mindset and skills—not just implementing “best of breed” technology.


The World Economic Forum has dubbed this period the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” and recognized it as a moment when increased automation, artificial intelligence (AI), and continued technological disruption is fundamentally changing the way we live, work, and relate to one another. What’s different from the other three revolutionary periods is that the change we are seeing—always-connected digital services—is almost invisible. What remains similar across the periods is that organizations that do not embrace what's happening will probably cease to exist. Leaders need to make bold decisions—either transform or bet on their company's existence.