Darren Beattie

Head of Information Security

Tower Insurance

Darren Beattie

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SectorFinancial Services


Revenue$750 Million

HQAuckland, NZ

About the Company

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Darren Beattie delivers visible service but invisible operations

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Zero trust is a journey through your technology changes, your users' behavior changes, your systems, and your business changes. You have to quickly adapt and adjust where appropriate for access and risk-based decisions.

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Darren's Transformation journey

Darren is a highly adaptable individual who is passionate about delivering value in services to my customers. He has over 25 years of experience in infrastructure technology, service operations and management. He focuses on building and growing teams to be ready to work in a cost-effective way to provide great service. 

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Achieving Operational Security in ANZ

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Digital-First Insurance Solutions at Tower

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