Browser Isolation (EDU-233)

Security Architect, Information Protection Analyst/Engineer/Architect, Risk & Compliance Analyst, IT/Security/Network Operator

Course Summary

Keep users safe and productive

Ensure secure access and protect critical business data with Zscaler Browser Isolation. This course explores how web content is isolated in containerized browsers, providing granular control over isolation and enhancing data exfiltration security.

Learning Outcomes
Identify modern-day cybersecurity and data loss challenges
Understand how Browser Isolation helps enhance protection and boost productivity
Describe Browser Isolation and its key features
List the cyberthreat and data loss protection use cases Browser Isolation addresses
Describe how to configure the isolation profiles and policies in ZIA and ZPA
Explain how User Portal 2.0 secures web-based access to SaaS and private applications for BYOD/unmanaged endpoints
Identify the isolation browser experience for ZIA and ZPA users

Course outline



Current State of Cyberthreats and Data Leaks

  • Security challenges posed by cyberthreats and data leaks
  • Why Browser Isolation is needed
  • Enhancing protection and boosting productivity 
  • Browser Isolation use cases

Browser Isolation Overview

  • What is Browser Isolation?
  • Cloud Browser Isolation

Browser Isolation for Cyberthreat Protection

  • Protection from cyberthreats
  • Zscaler Browser Isolation is uniquely integrated into the Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange
  • Binary policies risk being overly permissive or overly restrictive
  • Isolate risky internet content to maintain security and productivity
  • Identifying suspicious domains
  • Safe document rendering and Active Content Disarm
  • Dynamically mitigate business risk by isolating risky users and devices
  • Introducing dynamic, risk-based policy  
  • Boost user and admin productivity

Browser Isolation for Data Protection

  • Browser Isolation: Protecting the data
  • Protect against data loss in common business scenarios
  • VDI-like controls with Browser Isolation and PRA
  • Unmanaged SaaS and private web app access
  • Reducing VDI dependency

Isolation Profiles and Features of Browser Isolation

  • Isolation profile: What to know
  • Configuring isolation profiles
  • Custom branded banners
  • Security and data protection controls  
  • Key security control features
  • Session debug mode
  • Expanded native file type rendering in isolation
  • Expanded file type rendering in isolation
  • Cookie persistence
  • Office file rendering and conversion to PDF
  • Printing from isolation
  • Clipboard and file transfer control
  • Custom CA certificates
  • Watermarking 
  • Level 3 CDR – integration with Votiro
  • Application deep linking
  • Turbo mode

Configuring Browser Isolation on ZIA for Threat Protection

  • Enhancing cybersecurity using Browser Isolation
  • Granular policy control
  • Fully integrated cloud Browser Isolation with ZIA
  • Traffic flow and integration
  • Policy enforcement on ZIA Service Edge for isolated traffic 
  • Sandbox integration with isolation
  • Configuring isolation policies
  • Browser Isolation logging takes place in ZIA/ZPA
  • Browser Isolation dashboard (ZIA interactive reports)

Configuring Browser Isolation on ZPA for Data Protection

  • Secure agentless access to apps for BYOD and B2B 
  • Isolating private web applications 
  • Isolating SaaS web applications 
  • The end-to-end flow
  • Designing the IdP conditional policies
  • ZPA isolation profile configuration
  • Unmanaged SaaS access
  • Browser Isolation with ZPA

Browser Isolation End User Experience

  • The two isolation experience modes
  • Isolation session overview
  • Mobile user experience

Hands-On Lab Details


Browser Isolation (EDU-233) - E-Learning




The Browser Isolation (EDU-233) lab allows students to practice the skills they learned in the e-learning portion. Students will gain in-depth understanding of Zscaler Browser Isolation functionality, its use cases, and the range of security controls it can be used to enforce.


1.5 hours


Self-Guided Lab

Completion criteria

Complete all the lab exercises

Available language


Price per seat

1 credit or $300

Lab Outline

Lab 1: Securing Access to Internet

  • Review SSL inspection policy and verify SSL decryption

Lab 2: Managing Browser Isolation Basics

  • Create isolation profiles

Lab 3: Managing One-Click Smart Browser Isolation

  • Configure smart Browser Isolation
  • Test smart Browser Isolation

Lab 4: Using Isolate Action in URL Filtering Policies

  • Configure URL filtering policies with Isolate as action
  • Test Isolate as an action in URL Filtering policies

Lab 5: Using Isolate Action in Cloud Application Control Policies

  • Configure Cloud App Control policies with Isolate as action
  • Test Isolate as an action in Cloud App Control policies

Lab 6: Inspecting Cloud Browser Isolation Logs

  • Review log details

Lab 7: Applying Document Isolation Controls

  • Enable document viewing and security controls for your isolation profile
  • Test document viewing in isolation

Lab 8: Protecting against potential zero day threats with document file isolation + cloud sandbox

  • Enable cloud sandbox + isolation
  • Test the configuration

Lab 9: Managing Browser-In-Browser Isolation Experience

  • Enable browser-in-browser for your isolation profile
  • Test the configuration

Lab 10: Securing Access to SaaS Applications from BYO/Unmanaged Devices - User Portal 2.0 (Data Protection) using ZPA

  • Create isolation profile and enable internet traffic forwarding via ZIA
  • Add SaaS application in application segment
  • Create access and isolation policies
  • Publish M365 link to the user portal
  • Create DNS configuration (CNAME records)
  • Configure identity provider (IdP) conditional access

Lab 11: Securing Access to Private Applications from Unmanaged Devices -  ZPA Isolation (Data Protection)

  • Configure isolation policies in ZPA
  • Test isolation policies to isolate private applications



Certificate Exam Details


Browser Isolation (EDU-233) - Self-Guided Lab


45 minutes

Test format

20 multiple-choice questions

Available language(s)


Price per attempt

1 credit or $300

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